The UK is the windiest country in Europe yet so little power is harnessed for use here compared to other countries. Wind turbines:
Generate electricity from the wind
Have a small ecological footprint, occupying very little ground space
Can co-exist with livestock and arable crops
There are two main types of wind power systems, grid-linked and off-grid, and government grant-aid is available for both.
Sundance Renewables is able to assist in obtaining grants, assessing your requirements and installing complete systems. We can also facilitate the installation of wind turbines for community projects.
We can supply and install a wide
range of wind systems, and recommend a range
of products - further details are available on the websites below:
We would like to acknowledge the help given to us by Hugh Piggott in
compiling our wind power workshops, and recommend a visit to his web page at
A 1kW wind turbine can, on average, generate 120kWh per month (depending upon site conditions) and may be installed
complete with all system components, for around £4,000 with grant assistance. Please
contact us
to discuss your requirements.